Customized workshops and video series to best suit your Correctional Organization needs.


A Unique Prison Reentry Program

While most prison Reentry programs are singularly focused on basic work skills (showing up to work on time, passing a drug test, being nice), our highly sought after program incorporates a laser-like focus on Purpose and Engagement. Using the powerful metaphors of Greg Coker’s first book, Building Cathedrals: The Power of Purpose, we present a powerful and motivating case for “Building Cathedrals” versus “Laying Bricks.”
We use the city of London England as an example of emerging “Better, Stronger and Faster,” after the great fire of 1666 (pre 1666, 10,000 dying each year from the plaque and diseased carrying rodents. After the fire, London rebuilt to be better, stronger and faster). The “Fire” metaphor continues to be the source of encouragement and redemption post incarceration for thousands of ex offenders.
People buy on emotion and justify with facts.
A common theme throughout our workshop and video series is, “People buy on emotion and justify with facts.” Translation: Ex offenders are not going to be hired based on the “facts.” Employers are naturally and historically apprehensive about hiring someone with a criminal background. But, if an ex offender can “connect” emotionally and in a deep and visceral way, employers will find a way to make employment a possibility! We make these “connections” a reality!

We offer each inmate an easy to read, jam packed full of models and battle-tested wisdom in the form of a Soft Skills Field Manual. The subtitle, The Unwritten Rules For Succeeding Post Reentry, best describes this 300 page newly released gem. At the end of most chapters are questions for consideration and suggestions for action making this book an excellent source for discussion and a catalyst for personal transformation.

While we customize our workshops and video series to best suit your Correctional Organization needs, we suggest the following model:

  • Live Keynotes (larger inmate audiences)
  • Live Workshops (smaller, more targeted sessions)
  • Interviews with employers, workforce development representatives, correction leadership, inmates, et al (emphasizing and reinforcing the importance of and need for the “Soft Skills.”)

Endorsements for Greg's Reentry Program

Module 1 - The Power of Purpose and Engagement

• Building “Cathedrals” versus “Laying Bricks.”
• Levels of Engagement
• Reasons and Strategies for Engagement
• Buying on Emotion, Justifying with Facts

Module 2 - Individual Grit

• The Redemptive Qualities of a Fire
• Stress Resistant People
• Perseverance and Determination
• Victor vs. Victim

Module 3 - Communication Excellence

• Self-Disclosure & eliminating Blind Spots
• Communication Style
• Destructive Communication Behaviors under Stress
• Emotional Intelligence

Module 4 - Teamwork

• Steps of Team Growth
• Evolution of Peak Performance
• Team Conflict and Resolution
• Team Leadership/Followership

Module 5 - Culture and Organizational Dynamics

• Cultural Barriers
• Governance
• Change
• Forgiveness & Reconciliation
• The Unwritten Rules for Succeeding in the Workplace

Module 6 - Knocking Your Socks Off Customer Service

• What Customers Want
• Recovery
• Two Basic Customer Needs
• The Customer Report Card
• Buying on Emotion, Justifying with Fact

Module 7 - Problem-Solving and Action Planning

• Three Basic Questions
• A Problem-Solving Model
• Creativity
• Project Management
• Facilitation Skills