
September 1, 2018

X & O’s; Jim & Joe’s (and Jane’s)

My friend Terry Obee and I were recently discussing the importance and key components of strategic planning. I was making my case for a methodical approach […]
September 1, 2018

Form, Storm, Norm, Perform

Bruce Tuckman first introduced the Form, Storm, Norm, Perform model of Team Growth in 1965. He maintained these stages were not only predictable, but necessary and […]
September 1, 2018

Management and Leadership

Management guru Warren Bennis said most organizations are over managed and under led. And while management is essential, leadership is equally important and a key factor […]
September 1, 2018

My Dad

My dad was a simple man from Tennessee. He worked in a factory for 40 years leaving that concrete floor every afternoon to a farm where […]
September 1, 2018

X & O’s; Jim & Joe’s (and Jane’s)

My friend Terry Obee and I were recently discussing the importance and key components of strategic planning. I was making my case for a methodical approach […]
September 1, 2018

Form, Storm, Norm, Perform

Bruce Tuckman first introduced the Form, Storm, Norm, Perform model of Team Growth in 1965. He maintained these stages were not only predictable, but necessary and […]
September 1, 2018

Management and Leadership

Management guru Warren Bennis said most organizations are over managed and under led. And while management is essential, leadership is equally important and a key factor […]
September 1, 2018

My Dad

My dad was a simple man from Tennessee. He worked in a factory for 40 years leaving that concrete floor every afternoon to a farm where […]